Tuesday, March 31, 2009

book 10, the grace of the witch

Odysseus sailed to Aeolis's island and he cleared his path out to his hometown of Ithaca. A couple of his men decided to open the bag of winds and ended up at Cerces island.eurylochus said it wasnt a good idea to visit cerces house because she was a witch. Odysseus was offended by his comment and decided to take his men and go anyway. When they arrived, they found some of his men were made into pigs and he forced him to turn her back into men because Oddyseus wanted her to.

Friday, March 27, 2009

book nine, new Coasts and Posidon's son

odysseus left Ithaca to fight in troy. On his journey there and back to Ithaca he fought monsters like the cyclopes. His men got possesed by the lotus eaters started to lose hope of home. Odysseus is very full of himself and it shows when he told off posidon and other gods and goddesses. oddyseus had many war tactics such as creating the trojan horse which enabled the spartans to burn Troy down within.Another way his tactics shown was when he planned his escape from the cave of Polyphemous. But he got too overconfident after he escaped the cave and told the cyclopes his real name and the cyclopes threw a piece of the moutain at him and brought his ship to shore.