Monday, April 20, 2009

Book 1, invocation

In this book, Odysseus talks abaut himself and abaut where he lives and his newborn son laertes. He also talks abaut his journey to fight in troy.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

book 23 the trunk of the olive tree

After Odysseus fought the suitors, he got dressed in his royal robe and went to see Penelope. At first, she didnt beleive that it was really him so she asked him a trick question. She told him that she had the bed moved to a different spot. Odysseus became pissed off and said that it could'nt get moved because it was a part of the olive tree in their bedroom. She became filled with joy because she knew that it was the real Odysseus.

book 22 Death In the Great Hall

After the suitors see that the beggar killed the man with the cup. the war began between the suitors and Oddyseus. His son Telemichus helped him get spars, shields, and helmets. the god Athena also helped Oddyseus. In the end, Oddyseus ended up killing all 100 of the suitors. after

book 21 The test of the bow

Since Odyseus was gone for so long, Penelope dedcided to have a test for all of the suitors to string the bow and shoot an arrow through twelve ax heads in order to have her hand in marriage. she already knew that this was inpossible because shes never seen anyone else besides oddyseus string the bow. In the meanwhile, oddyseus made it back to Ithica after losing all of his men and his ship. he dressed up as a beggar to hide his identity and go to penelopes house. He meets his son Telemichus who is now a grown man, and the swinwherd and the cowherd. They guide him in to the room where the suitors are atempting to string the bow in front of Penelope. When she sees oddyseus, she sees potential in him and lets him try. when she finds out that he strung the bow she was surprised because she never saw anyone do it accept for oddyseus.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

book 12 sea perils and defeat

Odysseus got back from the underworld and told Cyrces abaut it. She gave him advice abaut the two paths he ciuld take. the first one was encountering the sirens who would make them forget abaut home. they would also have to go by Scylla, the six headed, 12 legged monster. Or he could go by the monser Charybdis who would create a huge whirlpool that would drown them and he would be the only one left. they get past Scylla but they lost abaut twelve men.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

book 10, the grace of the witch

Odysseus sailed to Aeolis's island and he cleared his path out to his hometown of Ithaca. A couple of his men decided to open the bag of winds and ended up at Cerces island.eurylochus said it wasnt a good idea to visit cerces house because she was a witch. Odysseus was offended by his comment and decided to take his men and go anyway. When they arrived, they found some of his men were made into pigs and he forced him to turn her back into men because Oddyseus wanted her to.

Friday, March 27, 2009

book nine, new Coasts and Posidon's son

odysseus left Ithaca to fight in troy. On his journey there and back to Ithaca he fought monsters like the cyclopes. His men got possesed by the lotus eaters started to lose hope of home. Odysseus is very full of himself and it shows when he told off posidon and other gods and goddesses. oddyseus had many war tactics such as creating the trojan horse which enabled the spartans to burn Troy down within.Another way his tactics shown was when he planned his escape from the cave of Polyphemous. But he got too overconfident after he escaped the cave and told the cyclopes his real name and the cyclopes threw a piece of the moutain at him and brought his ship to shore.