Since Odyseus was gone for so long, Penelope dedcided to have a test for all of the suitors to string the bow and shoot an arrow through twelve ax heads in order to have her hand in marriage. she already knew that this was inpossible because shes never seen anyone else besides oddyseus string the bow. In the meanwhile, oddyseus made it back to Ithica after losing all of his men and his ship. he dressed up as a beggar to hide his identity and go to penelopes house. He meets his son Telemichus who is now a grown man, and the swinwherd and the cowherd. They guide him in to the room where the suitors are atempting to string the bow in front of Penelope. When she sees oddyseus, she sees potential in him and lets him try. when she finds out that he strung the bow she was surprised because she never saw anyone do it accept for oddyseus.
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